Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Practicing what I preach

Workout Wednesday

For most in my world, it is an 'Active Recovery' day.  What is Active Recovery you ask, well to me it is the following, thanks to recent article in Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise

Active recovery: refers to engaging in low-intensity exercise after workouts. There are two forms of active recovery. One is during the cool-down phase immediately after a hard effort or workout. The second form of active recovery includes the days following. 
This week started full force for me. Monday I taught 4 classes, 3 classes on Tuesday and by today I was needing something new and something that challenged my body outside of the norm. By this I mean, I just want to get out and move. Today's Workout Wednesday ended up being an amazing  mountain bike with friends. We headed out along the beautiful trails of Shevlin Park here in Bend, OR, picking up the Mrazek Trail before returning back to our cars. The ride started out tough as my legs were tight, sore and heavy but 2 hours later, and post ride, they are feeling like a million bucks!  The soreness has decreased and the heavy tight muscles upon waking this morning have left my legs feeling like they did on Monday.

Although I am not posting a list of exercises for you to do what I am posting is a message for you to get out and play. Everyone needs a play day and today was mine! 

Tomorrow I am back to my classes and scheduled training runs so until next time...keep moving!


  1. Hello,

    I have a question about your blog, could you please email me? Thanks!!

