Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Work Out Wednesday

The Jump Rope

How many of use to love to jump rope?  A little double dutch, playground fun? 
When was the last time you picked up a rope?  Maybe it was in one of my classes or perhaps at the gym but did you know the jump rope is one of the best, most convenient, efficient and super cheap ways to stay in shape.  I pack mine with me on every trip and I always challenge myself to get better.  It requires coordination which is always good in my opinion and it also does the following: 

Weight Loss: 
Jumping rope burns a whopping 300 calories in just 30 minutes!
Factor that into the fact there are 3500 calories in a pound, to loose a pound you have to eliminate approx 500 calories each day to start to drop unwanted lbs. 30 minutes of jumping rope and you are more than halfway there!

Increased Cardiovascular Fitness: 
Perhaps you are not wanting to loose lbs and just want to get into heart healthy shape. Well Jumping rope helps your heart pump, your veins and arteries work by pumping blood and oxygen to and from the heart to the rest of the body increasing your cardiovascular system.  Of course it is important to seek medical advice prior to starting a new exercise program.  

Muscle Tone: 
Who doesn't want lean, toned legs?  Well jumping rope once again can help you see an increase of muscle tone not only in your lower body but also in your upper since you are using your arms to help generate the rope speed.  You will likely be sore but as with anything a little water, active rest and proper guidance from your fitness professional the soreness is all part of the fun!

You can start out with 10 minutes, 15 or 20 minutes a day working up to your goal of 30 minutes.  To make it more fun here is a great jump rope workout you can start to incorporate.  

The workout below will take approximately 30 minutes but you can shorten as needed.  Remember if you are new to working out please consult your physician.

Have fun and get to jumping! 

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