Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Workout Wednesday

Partner Workouts

OK people, it is all about having fun and getting a good workout in. This week my classes have been doing just that.  Partner work adds that little twist to an everyday class. It adds just a little more resistance, tons of support and motivation form your besties.  Who wouldn't want that to help them through an hour long workout. 

So here are some fun ideas from this week's classes and a couple more to throw into your regime. 

Partner Wall Sit/Air Chair with Horse Pull

How fun does this look!!? nothing like making your best friend work!
Equipment needed: Heavy resistance band or horse pull bands. 
The How: Partner A- starts out in the horse pull band or heavy resistance band. (Please make sure you equipment is capable of holding some serious weight and force) and does a high knee run. 
Partner B -gives added resistance by pulling their arms back close to the body in a narrow row and holds it there while sitting in a wall sit or air chair. 

Duration-The fun last for 1 minute. 
Take 15 seconds to rest and then switch. 

Punch your Partner

 Well you can't really hit them but you can help them get out some aggression!
Equipment needed: punching mitts or a folded yoga mat
The how: Partner A- holds the mat/mitts securely with both hands while in horse stance or staggered stance.  Abs must be contracted and arms are straight (but not locked in front of the body) 
Partner B- Taking a fighting position, guard up (hand in front of face) core tight punches at the mitt/mat with quick powerful punches. Make sure you are punching through the shoulder and not just throwing your arm out there. Let the power come from the back and shoulder muscles along with the core. 

Duration: 1 minute. 15 seconds break/switch repeat

Bear Crawl Race
Who doesn't love to bear crawl!!  Well in my classes there is one particular athlete who seriously loves the Bear know who you are so this is for you:) 

Equipment needed:  space
The How: starting on all fours you are going to take your abs/core and pull it up as tight as you can as you start to travel forward with your hands and feet. Your knees will be lifted so you must work on keeping your hips and booty down so you can really make this effective.  Pick a starting line and finish line and G-O!

You can even turn this into a suicide drill working your way up the ladder.  
Fun times all around. 

Duration:  as many times as your friends can handle. 

These are just a few ideas you can entertain your friends with at your next BBQ. It will make eating all that healthy food that much better knowing you burned a few extra calories all while having fun!

Get out and move! 
Drink you water and eat your Veggies!  I am watching you:) 

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