Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Traveling Tuesday

 Treadmill Tuesday

So I am not always traveling on a Tuesday but figured it was a fun way to add in an extra post. I am always looking for new ways to workout and after a heavy rain here in NY, the humidity was not my friend this morning. I wasn't feeling it and thought I would stay indoors for a workout. I am the first to admit I hate the treadmill but from time to time it proves to be a great tool for a fun, intense workout.  This morning I went down to the hotel fitness center. I was the only one in there, which 98% of the time is the case when I travel and decided to make reunite with an old friend.

I started out running a slow pace and thought to myself, "why not make it an interval workout, get in, get out and enjoy the rest of the day."  I did just that and finished it feeling proud of myself for pushing just a little bit more than I planned.  Here is the workout...you can do it at home, on the road or even while traveling on the road.  All you need is your running shoes, a stop watch and a little motivation to get out and kick some butt. 

Have fun and be proud, you are about to kick some serious booty!


Warm-up 10 minutes at 5.5 or higher
Interval 1: 7.2 for 2 minutes
Recover: 6.0 for 1 minute
Interval 2: 7.2 for 4 minutes
Recover: 6.0 for 1 minute
Interval 3: 7.2 for 6 minutes
Recover: 6.0 for 1 minute
Interval 4: 7.2+ for 4 minutes
Recover: 6.0 for 1 minute
Interval 5: 7.2+ for 2 minutes (this was my biggest push) 
Recover: 6.0 for 1 minute

Repeat 1-2x 

Warm down: 5.5 + for 10 minutes. 

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