Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mila (Chia Seed) on Good Morning America

 Meet Mila
The one food I can't live without!

So I am a big advocate of Chia Seed, in particular, Mila Chia Seed. I have found these to be the most quality, nutrient dense food. They are not the whole seed in fact they are an exclusive proprietary blend of the most potent strains of chia. They are cleaned and sliced to ensure your body is getting the most bang for the buck. Yes, I may sound like an advertisement but I tell you, when you work hard to eat as well as we all want to, work out hard to stay fit and healthy, why wouldn't you want the best food entering your body.

This food gives you:
Antioxidants (more than blueberries)
Protein (plant based protein)
Fiber (double the amount compared to other Chia seeds)
Phytonutrients (helps reduce inflammation)
Omegas 3's (Cognitive function, an necessity for the body and mind)

Mila was recently seen on Good Morning America and has made its way into a new book by Dr. Bob Arnot, titled The Aztec Diet. It is pretty interesting food for thought and a super easy read for anyone looking for ways to incorporate Chia into their daily routine.  Quite honestly all you need is Mila, do away with all your pills and eat your nutrition. I promise, you will feel 110% better for making the change. 

Check out the video clip on GMA:
Mila on Good Morning America

I can honestly say I am fueled by Mila. If it is a bad day of eating (yes we all have them) at least I know I am getting what my body needs.   

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