Friday, October 4, 2013

Food Friday-No Sugar Challenge

Just how sweet can you be? 

 So instead of giving you a new recipe to try I thought I would mix it up and give you a challenge to consider.  What would life be without sugar?  Since having recently taken on the 21 day purification and successfully reached day 13 (today...woohoo!) without sugar, the answer to my question may be easy for me to answer but how would YOU feel?  

 I follow a great blog The Healthy Home Economist and she shared some rather helpful tips on how, as she puts it, to Slay the Sugar Monster. Here were my biggest two take-aways that you may find helpful to for this challenge. 

1.Replace all Refined Sugars with Natural Sweeteners
     what are natural sweeteners you ask?
       Honey, Maple Syrup, Coconut sugar or whole cane sugar are all great options.

I recently had a conversation about agave syrup as it got a lot of press as being a good sugar alternative but the truth is it is highly processed and really high on the glycemic index. You are better off with one of the above options.

2. Increase the amounts of whole, unprocessed fats in your diet

This one has stuck with me for quite some time from my days of "dieting" and trying to find alternatives to satisfy my sweet cravings. I would turn to things like sugar free gum, sugar free jello and puddings, sugar free jelly and syrups and without really realizing I was ingesting more harm than good.  The process in which these are made consist of chemicals and compounds from the land of the unknown.  I finally learned and re-educated myself on making the whole food, whole fat options a priority but in smaller quantities all in line with my beliefs, 'everything in moderation.'

The 21 day purification has helped remind me of this important reminder. My sugar cravings have diminished and I am now turning to more whole food options such as fruit and such to fill the void.  Yes, I am serious and not just saying this. Will I avoid and never eat a fun treat again, NO, but I will be mindful of my selections and likely be reminded by the consequences as I know my body all to well to say it won't be affected.

The added healthy fats in the natural fats of olive oils and whole butter we have been using in our cooking (in moderation of course) have given our foods the full flavor our bodies needed during the first week or so.  We finished the day feeling full and quite frankly we were satiated but we were indeed full of food as well as nutrients.  It feels good to be loaded with the good stuff!

So What's next? Where is the magic formula?

Well this is where I will leave you to hopefully walk away feeling a little more informed. A little more prepared and a little more thoughtful when you are going shopping, buying treats or reaching for that can of soda.   As a busy mom of two amazing girls, a wife to an amazing husband (or as I call him-HH) and a leader to many busy athletes who come to me to seek support, guidance and lifestyle tips I don't have a magic pill, formula or answer. What I do have is the advice to take each day in stride, make the changes you see fit and be aware, educated an always look to what your goal is each day in life.

If your goal included making healthier choices then I hope you are able to read this and take away a few bits of info that you will use or at least consider.  Do I expect you to do everything perfectly?  No, I can't even say I will be doing it perfectly but what I can say is that I am going to be aware and try to make the best choice I can in keeping my family well nourished, supported and most of all loved.

I can't leave here without giving you all a little challenge:)

For the next week, can you challenge yourself to:
  •  omit (little by little) the refined sugars?
  •  try out one new natural sugar in lieu of your current sugar intake? 
  •  make one healthy treat using a natural sugar instead of refined or artificial sweeteners? 
  • reduce your overall sugar intake? 
Go ahead...give it a try. What do YOU have to lose? 

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