Why Mila vs Store bought Chia seeds ?
This is a question I get asked all the time. I wanted to provide an overview of why I choose to use Mila Chia seeds vs. store brought brands.
Not only are the strains (the known source) and cleaning process of highest standards, but Mila uses a proprietary cold fracturing system to open the seeds, making them easier to digest and much more bio-available - meaning the nutrients absorb easily and are utilized by our body to continuously heal and bring balance on a cellular level. Oftentimes, whole seeds do not break down easily and therefore they move through our system without being absorbed and utilized for their powerful nutritional qualities. Seeds that are ground in large quantities (such as ground chia sold in stores) can heat up during the grinding process, destroying enzymes (life force), causing oxidation and tremendous loss of nutrients.
I bake and cook a ton with Mila and I am comforted in the fact that the nutrient of this super food is not broken down by the cooking and heating process.
I am getting everything I need daily as you can see below:

Happy Chia seed eating but most importantly, get out and move:)
Get Fit. Live Fit. Be Fit!
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