21 day challenge
As I prepare
to enter Fall I look back at all the amazing fun this Summer has
brought. Camping trips, s'mores, wine on the back deck, bbq's, healthy
salads, hikes, swims etc.
I did it all and as you all know I am one that does my best to live a
balanced life free of deprivation and focused on providing my family the
best whole food choices. As we enter Fall and move towards more comfort cooking (some of my favorites are my slow cooker
recipes...more to come on this later) cold and flu season and a shift in the climate, I want to prepare my body for these changes.
I have decided to take on a personal challenge of Purification. I am committing myself for a 21 day challenge that will allow me to achieve the following:
Benefits of Purification
Improved weight management results
Immune boost: flu prevention/wellness protection
Disappearance or lessening of past health conditions
Increased energy & vitality
Improved digestion & decreased bloating
Clearer skin & shinier hair
Better sleep
Clearer thinking & balanced moods
Improved libido
Improved home & office morale & productivity
Purification is
The Standard Process 21-day Purification Program is a unique,
comprehensive, whole-food based program that is specially designed to not only purify your body, but nourish and help you maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle
even after the program is completed.
These factors set the Standard Process 21-day Purification Program apart
from other “quick fix” purification programs that may be harsh on the body and
leave you feeling unsatisfied.
This strategically designed program stimulates specific
detoxification organs in your body - the liver, kidneys and intestines. In combination with organic whole foods and
whole food supplements, these organs work optimally to cleanse your body of
external toxins.
The purification program provides a dietary plan to nourish
yourself with nutrient-rich foods that provide a complex combination of
vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that protect the body and promote optimal
After the 21 days are completed, you will have the tools to
continue your new, healthy lifestyle.
You will have learned how to transition into a healthful way of eating
that will keep you looking and feeling your best for a lifetime.
How am I doing this? Well a good friend and colleague has been leading these for a while. Her information is below or you can contact me at danza@bendbootcamp.com
Healing Response Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine
A current bend boot camp athlete recently completed this process with Mara. He was able to increase his fitness and overall health and was truly an inspiration. I like to motivate and inspire you all but more than none I am often inspired by your efforts and dedication.
If you would like to join me on the journey let me know as we can do it as a group, encourage, support and motivate knowing that post purification, we will be setting ourselves up for a safe and healthy Fall and Winter. Think of this as being your preventative health care for this up and coming cold and flu season. Eating healthy and avoiding processed foods, sugars and alcohol is something we all need to be reminded of and this is my way to stay focused on what it is I do and that is practice what I preach.
Follow me on this journey. My start date will be September 27th and I will be documenting my progress here. I am laying it all out there for you to see so I would love to hear your support and questions below.