Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Workout Wednesday- Get out and Run/Walk

Workout Wednesday

Run. Walk. Skip. 

The sun is out (well at least in Bend, OR and San Francisco, CA) and hopefully you are outside taking advantage of some fun in the sun.  Have you every truly been a tourist in your own city or town?  Sometimes running around your city can open your eyes or help you discover a new restaurant, park or just open your eyes to what truly makes us smile.  Who doesn't love being outside getting exercise in the fresh air and sun. 

I love going back and visiting my old stomping grounds in San Francisco. This city never gets old nor do the trails that once made up my daily and weekly runs.  I ran with a great friend so that made my run and start to my day even better.  Thanks AK! 

Sure you can just run and not look around as so many times I am guilty of this but today I took in all the beauty around me. We stopped to enjoy the view, we stopped to look up at the tops of trees after our run, we stopped for an amazing cup of tea and catching up. 

What better way to start your day!!?? If you walk OR run either way get out and enjoy the fresh air.  I look forward to returning to Bend, OR as the first step off the plane is nothing but the smell of fresh pine. Having just run in my old city but knowing I get to run in my new city is the icing on the cake.  What better way to enjoy the place you live.  

My workout challenge to you: 
Get out and walk or run a new route
Get out and run or walk with a new friend
Get out and run with your dog
Get out and run with your kiddos. 
Whatever you choose, get out, run, move and enjoy this beautiful thing we call life!

Get Fit. Live Fit. Be Fit and most of all have fun doing it!

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